Some ideas to consider if meeting with PTA members:
· Contact the person in charge of the PTA newsletter at your assigned schools
o Ask to include information about asthma and asthma resources in the newsletter
o Write a sample of what you would like to be included in the newsletter and e-mail it to them
· Visit the PTA monthly board meeting to discuss asthma resources available to the school and possible activities
o Open Airways
o Asthma School Resource Manual Training
o Winning With Asthma
· Send home parent information packets including:
o Dusty the Asthma Goldfish activity book
o Idle-free campaign information
o Asthma-friendly cleaning supplies
· Ask if the PTA would be willing to let you do an asthma activity at field day
o Relay races including asthma facts
o Capture the flag with asthma education
o Red light green light with asthma triggers