This post is a report from Kaylee and Sierra, Asthma Advocates who conducted an asthma education activity at Noah Webster Academy.
We taught a 6th grade class about asthma. We gave them all Dusty the Goldfish books to help them test their knowledge learned. For the presentation, we brought pictures we had printed out of triggers for asthma. We also used the foam (bronchial) tubes to show the difference between a healthy normal airway and an asthmatic airway. Then, we had the students interact in the straw activity. Two of the students in the classroom had asthma; one was exercise-induced, and the other was trigger-induced. The one had an inhaler that the secretary held on to if she needed it. We gave the teacher self-administration forms for the students to carry their inhalers. Overall, the class and the teacher loved our presentation. It took about 15 minutes to do all of these things and it went great!
To view the PDF version of the Dusty the Asthma Goldfish funbook go to