Monday, February 21, 2011

Asthma Resources for Schools

School Staff Asthma Training: Asthma School Resource Manual 
This is a 15-20 minute presentation for school staff (including teachers, administrators, secretaries, custodians, etc.) that covers asthma basics and what to do in case of an asthma attack.  Each staff member is given a laminated protocol to place in their classroom that gives step by step procedures for what to do in case of an asthma attack.

What is the Advocate’s role?
Asthma Advocates would advertise the program to school principals.  If they express interest in having their staff trained, the Advocate would contact Kellie ( to schedule the training.  As an Asthma Advocate you do not need to give the presentation to school staff, you just need to work with Kellie to schedule the training. 

Open Airways
This is a program run through American Lung Association (ALA).  It is designed for children ages 8-11 who have been diagnosed with asthma.  Open Airways consists of six 40-minute lessons which help children learn to better manage their asthma.

What is the Advocate’s role?
Asthma Advocates would advertise the program to school nurses and/or principals.  If they express interest in having an Open Airways class at their school, the Advocate would contact Brittney Urban (801-931-6993 or at ALA to schedule the classes.  As an Asthma Advocate you do not need to teach the Open Airways classes, you just need to work with Brittney to schedule the classes.  ALA will take care of everything once the classes are scheduled.

Winning with Asthma
This is a 20-minute online program primarily geared towards PE teachers and coaches.  It discusses asthma basics and what to do in case of an asthma attack.  When someone completes the program they receive a clipboard and additional asthma resources through the mail.

What is the Advocate’s role?
Asthma Advocates would advertise the program to school nurses, principals, coaches, community athletic directors, or anyone else associated with youth athletics.  Send them to the website to complete the program.